It’s a common belief, but let’s set the record straight: no, wearing glasses doesn’t make your eyes worse. […]
Does Wearing Glasses Make My Eyes Worse?

It’s a common belief, but let’s set the record straight: no, wearing glasses doesn’t make your eyes worse. […]
The average duration of benefits for patients receiving IPL therapy is between six months and a year. […]
Depending on the tests or procedures conducted, you may experience temporary light sensitivity or blurry vision. In some cases, your vision might not be affected and you’ll be able to drive right away. […]
Comprehensive eye exams are a critical part of caring for your vision and eye health and can take anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes on average. But exams vary from person to person depending on your personal eye health and the involved tests. For example, an initial eye exam with a new optometrist could take […]