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Category: Dry Eye

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How to Unclog Meibomian Glands

A young adult taking off their glasses and rubbing their eyes due to irritation from blocked meibomian glands.

For mild symptoms, it helps to use a warm compress and eye drops as needed, which can help stimulate your tear film and bring relief. However, if your symptoms persist or are severe, your optometrist can recommend targeted treatments like intense pulsed light, a non-invasive non-surgical approach that can offer lasting relief.

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Do Cataracts Cause Dry Eyes?

An older woman holding her glasses and rubbing her eyes in discomfort.

Dry eye and cataracts are distinct eye conditions, but people can often have them at the same time, especially if they are older. Individuals who develop cataracts—a clouding of the normally transparent lens of the eye—may experience dry eyes, where the eyes do not maintain adequate lubrication. Cataract surgery can also worsen dry eye symptoms.  […]

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Do Blue Light Glasses Help With Dry Eyes?

Woman wearing blue light glasses as she works in front of her computer at night.

As technology continues to play a major role in our daily lives, we often find ourselves glued to our screens for extended periods. Whether for work or entertainment, we simply can’t escape the blue light radiating from our computers, smartphones, and televisions.  Unfortunately, this exposure to blue light can cause dry eye syndrome, a common […]

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